The Agony and The Ecstasy

This is a follow-up to the piece that inspired the title of this blog - Hurtling Through Space

It’s always an experience to stare at the night sky and feel it be so far away,

feel its vast nothingness, with specs of gas giants in between.

Perhaps an infinitesimal number of goldilocks rocks sustaining life?

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the Ecstasy.

There is beauty and despair in the stars, a superimposition so beautifully tragic,

it very much defines the human condition, if such a thing could ever be defined.

What lies well beyond our reach, what red hot and freezing cold secrets do they hold

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the Ecstasy.

Gravity pulls us towards the earth, as we stare at the stars

Like one constant hypnic jerk, holding us back from zooming through the universe

So why is this force pulling us back, stopping us from discovering their secrets?

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the Ecstasy.

Here we are, our sentience informing us of our limits,

yes, there’s so little we know, there’s so much we don’t,

there’s so much we never will know. a cruel twist of fate?

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the Ecstasy.

And here we are, going about our days, Hurtling Through Space,

going about a range of tasks either mundane, painful, or both.

are we to spend our lives this way, limited by fucking economics?

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the excessive Agony.

What is it about this mandated ordeal of existing, and floating,

to understand so little, stare into the abyss, trying so hard not to blink,

attempting to persevere nonetheless. perhaps one day it’d have been worth it?

We may never know- Oh the Agony, Oh the Ecstasy.

Perhaps the trick is to find you, my lovely fellow hitchhiker -

Lock eyes as we share a moment in this experience-

Help each other refuel, perhaps hold hands while we troubleshoot our spacesuits.

Maybe for just one minute, we can share in the agony, and share in the ecstasy.

Here we are, tricked by our sentience once more,

knowing what we may never know, and of what we may never be. But I dream.

I dream of us being in this together, I dream of us holding hands,

I dream of us walking through forests and fields, sailing across oceans and the sky,

I dream of us flying through the universe, flying through space and time,

I dream of us learning what our ancestors knew, and perhaps a few things they missed.

I dream.

But here I am, wiping my tears as I float aimlessly. I’m quite exhausted. And yet.

I dream nonetheless, with a seemingly infinite capacity for taking pains. I float on.

Maybe you’ll tug on my tether to call me all of a sudden to show me something,

maybe it’ll be the most beautiful thing in the universe.

Maybe you’ll come racing to find me and show it to me.

Or maybe none of this happens.

And maybe we will just steal the time ever so often,

hold hands as we stare into the abyss that is the universe,

Trying not to blink and absorbing every second of its breathtaking beauty,

Hoping to have an infinite capacity of giving love, as infinite as the universe.

Oh the beauty. Oh the despair. Oh the Agony. Oh the Ecstasy.